Systemic Review: Traditional and Intensive Filial Therapy Module

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Human Resource Management Academic Research Society

Research Projects

Organizational Units

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Filial therapy is a training process given by counselors or therapist to parents. In Filial therapy module trainings, parents will learn the techniques and skills of Play Therapy in non-directive way applicable in play sessions for 30 minutes. The goal of Filial therapy is to enhance parent to child relationship. The process to establish the relationship is the result of the interaction and the application of the learnt skills. In short, Filial therapy is an approach whereby parents carry out therapeutic play sessions with their respective child. Parents will apply the skills in the playing sessions with their child in a nondirective way under the guidance of a counselor or a therapist. This paper will therefore, specifically discuss filial therapy approach which has been applied in the traditional and intensive way. In addition, this study also examines the effects of Filial therapy application across various cultures. This paper focuses only on the studies which have adopted qualitative approach.


Volume 9 No:6


Filial Therapy, Child Parent Relationship Therapy, Play Session
