The Development Of Islamic Reality Television Programs In Malaysia

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Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

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The mechanism of da’wah through Islamic reality television programs is one of the greatest efforts initiates to spur da’wah today. The delivery method of da’wah in light and leisurely style makes the essence of Islamic message more interesting and accessible to the public. The emergence of the Islamic reality television program gave the new dimension of da’wah. Therefore, this paper aims to discuss the development of da’wah through the mass media in Malaysia. The paper also briefly discusses reality television programs from global and Malaysian perspectives. This paper also explores the development of Islamic reality television program in Malaysia and its importance as a contemporary da’wah mechanism in Malaysia. The qualitative approach was applied through library research and in-depth interviews to achieve the research objective. Ten informants were interviewed including the four participants, four murabbi or Islamic experts and two producers of Islamic reality television programs. The study revealed that the Islamic reality television programs in Malaysia has applied light and leisure methodology and practical approach that could attract viewers and bring them closer to Islam. Islamic television reality programs have contributed to religious efforts in the society and give new dimension to contemporary da’wah in Malaysia.


3 rd INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON ISLAM AND SCIENCE 2020 (SAIS 2020) COVID-19: IMPLICATION, IMPACT AND SOLUTION Date: 15 October 2020 Organized by: Persatuan Kakitangan Akademik USIM (PKAUSIM) In Collaboration with: International Halal and Fatwa Centre (iFFAH) & Fakulti Syariah dan Undang-Undang (FSU)


Islam, da’wah, da’wah contemporary, Islamic reality television programs

