Analisis Aspek Bahasa dalam Manuskrip Ta'mim al-Manafic bi Qira’at al-Imam Nafic

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The manuscript of Tacmim Al-ManaficBi Qira’atAl-Imam Nafichas its own strength. It demonstrates the integrity, dedication and diligent of an archipelago’s scholar to the outside world. The language analysis conducted in this study is aimed to measure al-Tarmasiy’s credibility through his writings in Arabic. For a scholar who grew up at archipelago and only got exposure to the Arabic writings when he was already grown-up, his writing’s language integrity will be queried. The methodology used in this study is qualitative method. The conducted study is based on the manuscript which is the main instrument of this research. The data collection in form of words is analyzed inductively. The main focus of this study is the meaning contained in the manuscript and has been clarified if there is any ambiguity. The findings from this study are not through the statistical procedure or any other form of calculation. The findings indicate that al-Tarmasiy has mastered the Arabic language and capable of implementing his knowledge with flying colours. Despite that there are severallanguage errors throughout his manuscripts, it is not so noticeable. In fact, it is a common mistake for any archipelago’s writers when writing in Arabic. The implication behind this deficiency shows that the manuscript was his own writing. This kind of study is able to highlight the greatness of the archipelago’s scholar’s writings as well as ascending it to a higher level. Keywords:Arabic language, al-Tarmasiy, manuscript, archipelago scholar, reading of Imam Nafi’



Arabic language,, al-Tarmasiy,, manuscript,, archipelago scholar,, reading of Imam Nafi’


Hayati Hussin, Abdul Rahim Ahmad, & Muhammad Hafiz Saleh. (2019). Analisis Aspek Bahasa dalam Manuskrip Tacmim al-Manafic bi Qira’at al-Imam Nafic: The Language Aspects in the Manuscript of Tacmim Al-Manafic Bi Qira’at Al-Imam Nafic. The Sultan Alauddin Sulaiman Shah Journal (JSASS), 6(2), 102-116. Retrieved from