Publication: Detection Of Non-halal Plasma Transglutaminase In Selected Surimi-based Products By Using Sandwich EELISA Method.
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IDOSI Publications
Abstract: The usage of non-halal plasma transglutaminase to improve the gelling properties of surimi isprohibited for Muslim consumers. The objective of this study is to detect non-halal plasma transglutaminasein surimi products. A total of 12 samples were tested using DEAE, Unosphere Q and BioScale Macroprep HighQ columns and further confirmed by Sandwich ELISA method. Three different monoclonal antibody (MAbs)species which were bovine, chicken and porcine were used to observe the reaction against the samples. Thereactivity of the antibody against the antigen was defined in a certain range of cutoff value that is very strong,strong, moderate, weak and negative. By using the MAbs of the different species, the result showed S1, S2 andS3 did not contain transglutaminase from bovine while the other samples did. Six samples which were S1, S2,S3, S8, S11 and S12 selected in the ELISA procedure had a very strong reaction with transglutaminase fromporcine species. For MAbs of chicken species, S12 has a weak reactivity while other samples showed verystrong and strong reaction of transglutaminase. The sandwich ELISA can be a useful method to detect thepresence of transglutaminase in surimi-based products, which is derived from blood of different species ofmammalian animals. Further study should be done to optimize the specificity of antibody used in theconfirmation of TGase in surimi.
Key words: Surimi Monoclonal antibody Textural Sandwich ELISA
World Applied Sciences Journal 17
(Towards the Traceability of Halal and Thoyyiban Application):
39-44, 2012
Surimi, Monoclonal antibody, Textural, Sandwich ELISA