Securing Data Using Deep Hiding Selected The Least Significant Bit And Adaptive Swarm Algorithm

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Bashar Izzeddin Issa Aljidi
Sundresan Perumal
Sakinah Ali Pitchay

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Research Projects

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The emphasis on data protection is improved in particular with respect to the transmission protocols utilized. Different research on numerous data protection areas such as authentication, encryption, hiding of data and validation were performed. In addition, a cybersecurity standard, such as IP-SEC, and secure sockets layer (SSL), were introduced to solve privacy infringement problems by applying encryption, authorization and protection to data exchanged and data stored in the cloud. This study suggests a new steganography algorithm, a data protection tool used to conceal massive amounts of data from graphic and statistic attacks in color images. The proposed algorithm is a multi-level steganography modified deep hiding/extracting technique (MDHET), which implements a selected least signified bit (SLSB) for color picture dispersal of the information. In addition, an accurate pixel location randomization feature has been applied. After MDHET, the predicted results will effectively conceal data up to 6 bpp (bit per pixel) with high safety levels by improving the quality of images. In addition, MDHET can be useful for encoding a deep series of images into one in which the testing procedure is carried out using regular reference images used in color image processing and compression analysis from different institutions.


Volume: 28 No: 3 (page: 1573-1581)


Advanced encryption standard encryption; Color images; Security; Selected least signified bit; Steganography

