Integration Between Pure Rational and Revealed Knowledge: An Analysis of Al-Ghazali's Views
Advanced Science Letters
Date Issued
Islam, T
Gilani, SMY
Khatun, A
This study examines the framework of knowledge integration as propounded by al-Ghazali, one of the most celebrated Muslim scholars in history. Though there are a tremendous amount of studies on al-Ghazali's educational theory, they were focused primarily on epistemology, pedagogy and classification of knowledge. These writings indicate a theoretical gap in the literature regarding the ways and means of integrating between revealed and rational knowledge. Being qualitative in nature, this study adopts a content analysis method to explore al-Ghazali's view on this subject from three of his books where he has expounded his idea of integration of revealed and rational knowledge. It is expected that the result of this research would help to fill the existing lacuna in this field of study.