مناهج تدريس الحديث الشريف في جامعات بنغلاديش: الإيجابيات والسلبيات

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


The Hadith (Prophet’s traditions) and its sciences are being taught in many public and private institutions of higher education at Bangladesh. Though the Syllabus of these universities and institutions follow different methods in teaching Hadith and its sciences. The main aims of this research are to highlight the developments in the curriculum of Hadith studies at the universities according to the requirements of the time. In order to reach this objective, the researcher studying the prevailing curriculum in Bangladesh universities on the two main axes: showing the Bangladeshi universities’ curricula in teaching Hadith studies. Evaluating of the present curriculum and its positive and negative effects among the students. Finally, the researcher suggests some of the new ideas that could help to revise the curricula of Hadith studies.


