التوليد اللغوي للمصطلحات العربية العلمية ذات الصلة بجائحة كوفيد-19 وقيمها الأخلاقية في الإعلام العربي بماليزيا

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


The world is witnessing the negative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in various aspects. However, the linguistic element indicates that this pandemic has produced many new linguistic uses, including Arabic scientific terms. Therefore, the study aims to explore the Arabic terms formation and their circulation in the media discourse in Malaysia in this pandemic era. The study uses the descriptive-analytical method, taking the Aswaq magazine as a sample since it is a primary source for Malaysia's daily news written in Arabic. The objective is to track what is used of scientific terms related to this pandemic in the magazine, to identify the linguistic means that are used in transferring these terms from the source language to the target language, to reveal the relationship between the scientific concept and the linguistic term that is expressed in the context and to examine the possibility of a duality problem. The research concluded that the most prominent scientific Arabic terms of Covid-19 in circulation in Malaysia is Al-Ighlaq Al-Tamm, Qarar Taqyid Al-Harakah, Qanun Al-Wiqayah wa Al-Tahakkum bil Amradh Al-Ma'diyyah 1988, Qanun Al-Syurtah 1967, Al-Hajr Al-Sihhiy, Al-Tabau'd Al-Ijtimaie, and Qina' Al-Wajh. These terms are done through translation that maintains the relationship between the linguistic connotation of the term and its scientific concept, except for the term Al-Tabau'd Al-Ijtimaie (Social Distancing), as it was replaced by another term, which is Al-Tabau'd Al-Jasadiy (Physical Distancing) as stipulated by the World Health Organization because the first term leads to a misunderstanding and interpretation of changing the form of negative relationships between people.


Vol. 33 No. S4 (2021): ULUM ISLAMIYYAH The Malaysian Journal of Islamic Sciences


Language Formation, COVID-19, Scientific Terms, Arabic Media


Mohd Nizwan Musling. (2021). التوليد اللّغويّ للمصطلحات العربيّة العلميّة ذات الصلة بجائحة كوفيد-19 وقيمها الأخلاقيّة في الإعلام العربيّ بماليزيا: [Language Formation of Arabic Scientific Terms Related to COVID-19 and Their Moral Values in The Arabic Media in Malaysia]. Ulum Islamiyyah, 33(S4), 301-318.