Determination Of Polysaccharide From 'Cendawan Busut' Crude Water Extract

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Journal Issue


Termitomyces is a genus of edible mushrooms commonly consumed in Africa and Asia among the mushroom collected from the wild. Several species of Termitomyces are commonly used for health promotion and treatment of illness. In this study, Termitomyces sp. Mushroom or locally known as 'cendawan busut' were isolated from Kuala Pilah. Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. It was called as 'cendawan busut' because Termitomyces mushroom grow as symbionts in the termite nest, where they produce various enzyme to help termites digest lignocellulosic substrate. The bioactive compound (polysaccharide) was extracted from the mushroom fruiting bodies using hot-water extraction method. Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis was carried out to confirm the presences of polysaccharide compound in the mushroom fruiting bodies extracts. Result demonstrated that polysaccharides are present in Termitomyces sp. mushroom fruiting bodies extract as it was compared with standard laminarin polysaccharide.


Junior Researcher International Conference (iJURECON) Kolej Genius Insan (KGI) 17 dan 18 November 2020 Pages : 245-248


Termitomyces,, polysaccharide,, hot water extraction,, mushroom

