Publication: A Need Analysis of Visual Quranic Content Development for Deaf in Quran Isyarat Application
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Penerbit USIM
The Quran Isyarat application that was developed has helped the hearing-impaired people to read and understand the Quran. However, there is still a room for improvement in tilawah part, which is include the visual element that can provide better understanding of the verses using deaf strength. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the need of deaf for the development of visual Quranic content for tilawah part in Quran Isyarat Application. Findings were collected through interviews conducted with three deaf who are the Quran Isyarat Application users. The findings of this study shows that all the participant agreed on the development of visual Quranic content in Quran Isyarat Application. Factors that make them agreed on are visual content can be understood by deaf people for all ages and educational levels, easier to understand than Deaf-friendly Quranic translation text and celebrating the visual strength of the deaf. This study will help the deaf and researchers to find out best content for deaf especiallay in learning Quran.
E-Prosiding Seminar Kearifan Nusantara Kali Ke-5 (2024): “Memartabatkan Masyarakat Madani Nusantara Berlandaskan Kearifan Al-Quran Dan Sunnah” / Penyunting: Syed Najihuddin Syed Hassan, Nur Saadah Hamisan@Khair, Shah Rizul Izyan Zulkiply, Nurul Izzatul Huda Mohamad Zainuzi
20-23 Januari 2024 / 8-11 Rejab 1445H
Penganjur: Fakulti Pengajian Quran and Sunnah, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) & Muzium Manuskrip al-Quran Narathiwat Thailand
Deaf, Need Analysis, Quran Isyarat application.
Syed Hassan, S. N., Hamisan@Khair, N. S., Zulkiply, S. R. I., & Mohamad Zainuzi, I. H. (Eds.). (2024). In E-Prosiding Seminar Kearifan Nusantara Kali Ke-5 (2024) (pp. 1–1203). Penerbit USIM.