Dc Analysis Of Gaas/Alas Single Barrier Asymmetric Spacer Tunnel Diode

Research Projects

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Journal Issue


After Leo Esaki had reported the first tunnel diode in the early of 1960, there are development of Asymmetric Spacer Tunnel (ASPAT) diode. This device appears to have unique I-V characteristic, where it has zero turn on bias with minimum leakage current. Hence, with respects to this unique characteristics, this study will perform the physical modelling of Gallium Arsenide/ Aluminium Arsenide (GaAs/AlAs) of single barrier asymmetric spacer tunnel diode in COMSOL by considering all the parameters involved in designing the device such as the dimensions of ASPAT, the concentration, materials and numerical modelling involved. These parameters are significant in the calculation of current density when the device being applied with external voltage. At the end of this study, the I-V characteristics of ASPAT in COMSOL will be analysed and compared with the reported I-V characteristics of ASPAT diode in SILVACO to determine either it is reciprocated in terms of zero voltage switching and minimum reverse bias.


3 rd INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON ISLAM AND SCIENCE 2020 (SAIS 2020) COVID-19: IMPLICATION, IMPACT AND SOLUTION Date: 15 October 2020 Organized by: Persatuan Kakitangan Akademik USIM (PKAUSIM) In Collaboration with: International Halal and Fatwa Centre (iFFAH) & Fakulti Syariah dan Undang-Undang (FSU)


GaAs; AlAs; single barrier; asymmetric spacer tunnel diode.

