Web Accessibility Challenges

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The Science and Information (SAI) Organization Limited

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Despite the importance of web accessibility in recent years, websites remain partially or completely inaccessible to certain sectors of the population. This is due to several reasons, including web developers’ little or no experience in accessibility and the lack of accurate information about the best ways to quickly and easily identify accessibility problems using different Accessibility Evaluation Methods (AEMs). This paper surveys accessibility literature and presents a general overview of the primary challenges of accessibility barriers on websites. In this sense, we critically investigate main challenges forms related to accessibility including standards and guidelines (WCAG 2.0), during website’s design and development and during evaluation. Finally, a set of recommendations such as enforcing accessibility legislations are presented to overcome some challenges. Keywords—component; Website Accessibility; Disabilities; Accessibility challenges; WCAG 2.0; Accessibility automated tools


(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 7, No. 10, 2016


component;, Website Accessibility;, Disabilities;, Accessibility challenges;, WCAG 2.0;, Accessibility automated tools
