Modeling the Effects on the Attitude of Young Adult Urban Muslim Women towards Halal Cosmetic Products: New Insights for Championing the Halal Economy

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


Plethora of cosmetic products in the marketplace are fighting vigorously for the consumers' wallets; the local brands appear to capture their own niches by projecting themselves as "Islamic" brands via their creative product offerings. The purpose of this paper is to identify a behavioral matrix which classified Malaysian into the appropriate quadrant in the Spiritual Intelligent Matrix and hence will be proposed. The results generated from this study could afford new insights in order to design strategies and policies in branding and positioning halal values to the cosmetic products manufactured in Malaysia. The paper highlights new frameworks which will modify the Planned Behavior Theory (TPB), develop new scales to measure spiritual intelligence in the TPB theoretical framework to explore how the variable could influence consumer attitude towards Halal cosmetic produced in Malaysia. The new measurement scale is used to unravel underlying dimensions of spiritual intelligence from the perspective of the Muslim which is deemed imperative. It is envisaged that it could explicate the effects of spiritual intelligence, spiritual congruence, product involvement and product image of the consumers' attitude towards purchasing halal cosmetics and in turn to reaffirm intention to consume halal cosmetic.


Volume: 1 No: 7


Attitude, spiritual intelligence, spiritual congruence, product involvement, product image
