Aspek-Aspek Pembangunan Insan: Analisis Ketokohan Badiuzzaman Said Nursi

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Human development is a form of development that needs to be given attention especially when the world facing the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Neglection of the ongoing process of human development when facing the new norms of life at the present time will have a greater adverse impact, not only on certain individuals but on society as a whole. Therefore, the understanding of human development in terms of its aspects must be emphasized so that the development carried out does not set aside the existing aspects that need to be strengthened at all times. Thus, this study aims to identify the aspects of human development and then the analysis is done on the figure of Badiuzzaman Said Nursi. The analysis of human development aspects based on Badiuzzaman Said Nursi's character is done because he was able to develop into an excellent figure despite facing various obstacles and challenges from childhood until his death, growing up in the era of resistance and oppression against Islam, also in wartime and isolation. This study used document research approach for data collection by applying content analysis approach for analyzing data. The results show that the aspects of human development include five things namely; (i) spiritual, (ii) emotional, (iii) intellectual, (iv) physical, and (v) social. The findings also explain that Badiuzzaman Said Nursi places great emphasis on the five aspects of human development despite facing various situations, challenges and obstacles throughout life.


Volume: 6 Issues: 39 [September, 2021] pp. 134 - 146]


Badiuzzaman Said Nursi, Human Development, Spiritual, Emotional, Intellectual, Physical, Social (SEIPS)


Norullisza Khosim, Azrin Ibrahim & Mohd Shukri Hanapi (2021). Aspek-Aspek Pembangunan Insan: Analisis Ketokohan Badiuzzaman Said Nursi. Journal of Islamic, Social, Economics and Development (JISED), 6(39), 134-146.