Determination of the fetus gender in the light of Quran

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This paper highlights one of the controversial issues among Muslims and none Muslims which is the wonders of the holy Quran and its ascendency over modern scientific discoveries. From the Positive perspective the wonders of Quran don�t add a real value to scientific discoveries, whereas, Muslim scholars contend the magnificent effect of Quranic miracles and its role of consolidating the Quran divine position among other revealed and philosophical books. The researchers present one of the Quranic marvels in field of eugenics and embryology as unequivocal evidence for compelling impact of the Quran nowadays by using the descriptive method. Researchers found that the impact of Quranic marvels is fact despite all objections depending on one example about determining the gender of the fetus and they attempted to compile Quranic verses that are relevant to the matter presented to two deferent categories based on the possible like between the verse and the issue of sex determination. � 2017 American Scientific Publishers All rights reserved.



Chromosome, Gender determination, Ovum, Quranic marvels, Semen, Sperm

