Mualimin Mochammad SahidMohd Soberi Awang2024-05-282024-05-2820202021-11-02Mochammad Sahid, M., & Awang, M. S. (2020). Konsep Ḥalālan Ṭayyiban Dan Maqāṣid Syariah Dalam Penyembelihan Haiwan: Prosedur Operasi Standard (SOP) Pandemik COVID-19 Di Malaysia: Ḥalālan Ṭayyiban Concept And Maqāṣid Sharī’ah in Animal Slaughtering: A Study on COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in Malaysia. AL-MAQĀṢID The International Journal of Maqāṣid Studies and Advanced Islamic Research, 1(2), 55–67. 1 No: 2 (page: 55-67)The slaughtering process that meets the requirements of Shariah is the one that complies with certain conditions, among others: the lawful (halal) animals to eat, the animals that have their necks cut with sharp tools, their halkum veins (respiratory tract) and mari’ veins (food channels) are cut, the person who slaughters is a Muslim or Ahlul Kitab who do not mention other than the name of Allah SWT when they slaughter. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, there are conditions and procedures set by the government in addition to the criteria mentioned in the Islamic guidelines. Among them are the need to get approval from the government for the slaughterhouse location, the number of officers who manage the slaughter process does not exceed 30 people per group, the number of sacrificial animals (korban) is limited according to the available area, and it should comply with the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) during COVID-19 pandemic. This article aims to explain the procedure of korban slaughtering process during the pandemic and its relation to the concept of halalan tayyiban and maqasid Syariah. The methodology used in this article is a qualitative research method based on library literature from classical (turath) and modern reference sources, by analyzing the research data discussed. The results of the study show that the procedure imposed by the government complies with the concept of halalan tayyiban and maqasid Syariah in the slaughtering process. The purpose of saving human life by implementing the SOP during the process of slaughtering is prioritized to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus outbreak. This is based on the principle of Islam which gives the obligatory (wajib) i.e. to save lives (hifz al-nafs) a priority over the recommended (sunnah) i.e. to slaughter sacrificial animals (korban). Thus, the government's commands on its people to obey all rules and instructions comply with the concept of obedience to the leader (ta'ah waliyyul amri) and it is considered as a collective serious effort to successfully prevent the COVID-19 pandemic that hits the world today.otherhalalan tayyiban, maqasid shariah, COVID-19 SOP, sacrifice, animal, MalaysiaKonsep Ḥalālan Ṭayyiban Dan Maqāṣid Syariah Dalam Penyembelihan Haiwan: Prosedur Operasi Standard (SOP) Pandemik COVID-19 Di MalaysiaḤalālan Ṭayyiban Concept And Maqāṣid Sharī’ah in Animal Slaughtering: A Study on COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in MalaysiaArticle556712