Baker Akram Falah JarahMohammad Yousef AlghadiMurad Ali Ahmad Al-ZaqebaMohamed Ibrahim MugablehBelal Zaqaibeh2024-08-232024-08-2320242024-8-23Jarah, B. A. F. ., Alghadi, M. Y. ., Al-Zaqeba, M. A. A. ., Mugableh, M. I. ., & Zaqaibeh, B. (2024). The influence of financial technology on profitability in Jordanian commercial banks . Humanities and Social Sciences Letters, 12(2), 176–188. and Social Sciences Letters Vol. 12, No. 2,(page:176-188)The aim of this study is to identify the influence of Financial Technology (FinTech) on profitability in Jordanian commercial banks. The convenience sample was surveyed using a descriptive cross-sectional approach. Questionnaires were used to collect the data. The study population consists of commercial banks. The tool was sent to employees of all Jordanian commercial banks through email, Facebook and Twitter in order to meet the researchers' target sample size of at least 381 participants. The data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24. The results showed an impact of financial technology (financing, money transfers and lending) on banks' profitability. The results of this study demonstrate that the adoption of FinTech solutions by banks has a significant impact on their profitability and position. Financing, money transfer and lending are crucial in determining a bank's profitability and overall success. Therefore, this study contributed to the growth of a new model that connects financial technology through financing, money transfers and lending to profitability and it added many topics related to financial accounting technology for increasing profitability in Jordanian commercial banks.en-USBankingFinancingFinTechJordanLending concernMoney transferProfitability.The Influence of Financial Technology on Profitability in Jordanian Commercial Bankstext::journal::journal article::research article176188122