Zainur Rijal Abdul RazakFauziah HassanAmir Shaharuddin2024-05-302024-05-302021-122022-2-14Zainur Rijal Abdul Razak, Hassan, F., & Shaharuddin, A. (2021). Promosi Dan Pengurusan Pelajar Siswazah Antarabangsa USIM Pasca Covid-19: [Promotional and Management of International Postgraduate Students in the Post Covid-19] . Ulum Islamiyyah, 33(S5), 209-226. 33 No. S5 (2021): ULUM ISLAMIYYAH The Malaysian Journal of Islamic SciencesThe spread of the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the landscape of varied communities around the world and disrupting their daily activities and impacting in various areas of services. In this case, the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) is also affected especially in the aspects of promotion, management and recruitment of international students. Therefore, this study will examine the views of prospective international postgraduate students at USIM towards their study journey. In addition, this study will identify suggestions for improvements to increase the promotion towards international postgraduate students’ admission during the Covid-19 outbreak. This study also suggests policies that need to be considered by universities to improve the effectiveness of post-Covid-19 promotion and management. A total of 122 prospective students completed a set of questionnaires distributed online. The results of the study found that they were satisfied with the procedure of admission process to USIM. They also suggested that USIM should update its online marketing promotion strategy more effectively. Other than that, the difficulties that they faced during the pandemic were analyzed and used as a basis of a guideline to formulate policy proposals for the management which regards to improve the promotional activities and management of international postgraduate students to attract more students in the future.enPasca pandemik Covid-19, Aktiviti Promosi, Pengurusan pelajar, Siswazah AntarabangsaPromosi Dan Pengurusan Pelajar Siswazah Antarabangsa USIM Pasca Covid-19Promotional and Management of International Postgraduate Students in the Post Covid-19Article20922633S5