Shukor, Syadiyah AbdulSyadiyah AbdulShukorAnwar, Intan FatimahIntan FatimahAnwarSabri, HishamHishamSabriAziz, Sumaiyah AbdSumaiyah AbdAziz2024-05-282024-05-2820171936661210.1166/asl.2017.89262-s2.0-85023780870 is an act of holding certain property and preserving it for the confined benefit of certain philanthropy that disallows any use or disposition of it outside the specific objective. Waqf creates great benefits not only for the donor (known as waqif) but also for the whole society. Study on the involvement of the Muslim community in waqf is limited but very instrumental in the economic development of Muslims. This study aims to determine the roles of religiosity, attitude, and trust on awaqf institution in determining waqif�s satisfaction in endowing cash waqf that leads to waqif�s intention to endow cash waqf. A total of 193 respondents participated in the study. Findings showed that religiosity, attitude and trust on awqaf institution are important factors in determining waqif�s satisfaction that leads to waqif�s intention to endow cash waqf. The study provides a useful source of information, which can be used by awqaf institutions regarding targeting Muslim participation in cash waqf. � 2017 American Scientific Publishers All rights reserved.en-USAttitudeCash WaqfIntentionReligiositySatisfactionTrustWaqif satisfaction: Antecedents and consequencesArticle48524855235