Hatika KacoMuhammad Amir Rafiq RahmatIzzminhal Akmal NorhisyamNoor Hidayah RuslanMohd Shaiful Sajab2024-05-302024-05-302021-10-06https://oarep.usim.edu.my/handle/123456789/16844PAPER PROCEEDINGS THE 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON QURAN AS FOUNDATION OF CIVILIZATION (SWAT) 2021 “ISLAMIC AND NON-REVEALED KNOWLEDGE IN FACING THE GLOBAL CHALLENGES” 6th – 7th October 2021 / 29 – 30 Safar 1443H Faculty of Quranic and Sunnah Studies Universiti Sains Islam MalaysiaAl-Quran is the holy book for Muslims consists of wonderful word of Allah. It is learned and memorized by Muslims including visually impaired persons. Therefore, to recite the braille Quran, learning braille code using their finger is a must where each person has their own sensitivity during touching the braille dots. Hence, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of age, sex and test side of fingers using two-point discrimination (TPD) test. TPD test was conducted towards test subjects at different age. Each test subject was tested on their different fingers with initial test point of 10 mm. The points applied randomly using different test points to study each test subject’s most sensitive test point. Subsequently, age, gender and test points effects of an individual test subject was investigated to obtain individual most sensitive finger. At the end, the results obtained were used to develop a 3D printed tape-like Braille dots casing which was used as a teaching aids specifically for visually impaired children. The distance between the Braille dots were varied based on finger sensitivity. Eventually, this engaging teaching aids is a wonderful tool for visually impaired children learning Quran in a practical way.en-US3D printing; Braille code; Finger test; Integration Naqli and Aqli (INAQ); Visually ImpairedA Study On Two-Point Discrimination Tactile Sensory For Reciting Quran Braille DotsArticle