Mohd Radhi Ibrahim2024-05-292024-05-2920111511-8819WOS:000448022700001 aim of this article is to examine the definition of knowledge among the Mutakallimun and its relation to their theological doctrines. In this article I argued that the definitions of knowledge developed by the mutakallimun are influenced by their theological background. In addition, I will indicate that the theologians' different views regarding "what a definition actually is and consists of" also play a key role in their definition of knowledge. To achieve this aim, I will investigate several definitions of knowledge from the Mutakallimun of Early Kalam from the early Ash(c)arites and the Mu(c)tazilites.en-USThe Concept of Knowledgethe Definition of knowledgeTheologyMutakallimunThe Theology Of Knowledge: A Study On The Definition Of Knowledge Among The Early MutakallimunArticle120121