Mesbahul HoqueYuslina MohamedAbdoul Karim ToureAmran bin Abdul Halim2024-05-292024-05-2920191823-4356 Sunan of Abu Dawud, known as Sunan, is one of the six canonical hadith collections which occupies great place among the Sunni Muslim community. The Sunan is usually ranked as the next hadith collection after Sahihayn i.e Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. Author of this great book, al-Imam Abu Dawud Sulayman b. al-Ash'ath b. Ishaq b. Bashir b. Shaddad b. Amr al-Azdi al-Sijistani (202 -275 AH) tries to collect 5274 hadiths for this book. Due to the reputation and importance, many scholarly works have appeared to the extent of discussion, commentary, evaluation, editing its hadith corpora. Some scholars scrutinize the Sunan in a very brief fashion along with the retrieval of its hadith. Several detailed commentaries on this Sunan have been written, estimated to number around twenty versions between manuscript and printed edition. Hence, this study comes to shed light on the efforts of scholars for this major hadith collection. This study uses data collection method which includes content analysis and inductive method. Through these analyses, the study finds that the Sunan has several other commentaries or works that could be included as the extension of Abu Dawud scholarship in addition to the current twenty manuscript forms or publication.Efforts of scholarsSunanAbi Dawoodجهود العلماء حول كتاب "السنن" للإمام أبي داودThe Efforts of Scholars on The Sunan of Imam Abi DawoodArticle15917515Special Issue