Noradila Mohamed FaudziMelati SumariAzmawaty Mohamad NorNorhafisah Abd Rahman2024-05-302024-05-302021-09-22eISBN:9789672614708 Marital and Sexuality Counseling Seminar (MASEC 2021) “Keluarga Sejahtera: Cabaran di Abad 21” “Family Well-Being: Challenges in the 21st Century” 22 September 2021 Organized by: Counseling Programme, Faculty of Leadership and Management, USIM In collaboration with:Sa’adah Counseling and Consultation Centre for Wellbeing (Sa’adah Centre)en-USRoles Of Mother In Mother-Child Relationship Among Adolescent With An Unwanted PregnancyPeranan Ibu dalam Hubungan Ibu dan Anak di Kalangan Remaja yang Hamil Luar NikahArticle2224