Zalika Binti Adam [Supervisor]رقيه بنت عديم بن جمعة الفوريةRuqaiya Adeem Juma Al-Fori2024-06-192024-06-192024-03 4160313 (FPBU)This research aims to test the impact of the quality of educational training on work motivation, job performance, and retention of qualified employees in the training centres of the Ministry of Education in the Sultanate of Oman. In this study, the researcher adopted the descriptive survey method, which is an appropriate approach suits the objectives of this study. Based on the nature of this quantitative study, the researcher used the cross-sectional method to collect its data. A questionnaire of 61 items was distributed randomly to the sample of this study (151 staff) who are working currently in the training centers of the Ministry of Education in the Sultanate of Oman. All the distributed 151 questionnaires, (100 males and 51 females) were returned and valid for analysis. SPSS software (version 26) was used for the preliminary descriptive analysis, while Smart PLS software (Version 3) was employed for the main inferential analysis, namely Varian-based Structure Equation Modelling (SEM). Variance based SEM via Smart-PLS was conducted in two main steps, namely the measurement model to assess the data’s validity and reliability, while the structural model was conducted to examine the hypothesized relationships between the variables. The results of the study revealed a direct positive impact of the quality of educational training among the employees of the training centers on their motivation to work, performance and retention. The results also showed indirect impact for the quality of educational training on the employees’ performance and retention through their motivation to work. The results were discussed in the light of the theoretical framework and previous studies. The study concluded with practical recommendations for Ministry of Higher Education in Oman as well as theocratical recommendations for future studies.ArWork motivationJob performanceEducational trainingMinistry of EducationSultanate of OmanJob satisfactionMeasures (Individuals)Occupational trainingOrganizational behaviorWork—Psychological aspectsجودة التدريب التربوي لدى موظفي مراكز التدريب وأثرها في دافعية العمل وأدائهم الوظيفي والاحتفاظ بالموظفين الأكفاء :دراسة حالة في سلطنة عمانJawdat al-tadrib al-tarbawi lada muwazzafi marakiz al-tadrib wa-atharuha daf'iyah al-‘amal wa adaʼihim al-wazifi wa al-ihtifazi bi al-muwazzifin al-akfa' : dirasat halah fi sultanah Omantext::thesis