Mohd Radhi Ibrahim2024-05-282024-05-2820122154-8633‎10.18848/2154-8633/CGP/v02i01/51191 the reign of the Buyids, there were many political rivalries and wars among Muslims. The impact of these wars affected the majority of Muslims badly. However, this sociopolitical reality also coincides with the renaissance of Muslim intellectualism. The “mutakallimun” (Muslim theologians) developed their schools actively during this period. The aim of this article is to analyze the relationship between the socio-political background of the Buyids and its role in the development of “kalam” (speculative theology) schools.enThe Buyids, Socio-politic, Kalam SchoolsSocio-political Background of the Buyids and the Development of “Kalam” SchoolsArticle859221