Mohd Radhi Ibrahim2024-05-302024-05-302015-061675 - 593610.33102/uij.vol15no.240 contemporary debate,the integration between islam and science becomes one of the main concerns among muslim thinkers.Some consider yhat there is no clear connection between science and religion (Islam) and others reject this claim.The non-integration of islam and science as seen by many is a result of several fundamental problems from theological perspective with the views of the muslim theologians (mutakallimun) regarding the matter with special reference to Abu Hamid al-Ghazali in his renowned Tahafut al-Falasifa.enIntegrationIslamScienceAl-GhazaliCausalityThe integration of islam and science: Al-Ghazali on causality revisitedArticle157165'Ulum Islamiyyah, Vol.15,June 2015