Farrah Masyitah Mohd ShuibAbd Wahab S.B.Mat Sulaiman A.H.B.Ibrahim M.N.I.B.Marinah OthmanMd Ali S.H.Hamzah A.A.2024-05-282024-05-282018978154000000010.1109/SMELEC.2018.84813082-s2.0-85056276394https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85056276394&doi=10.1109%2fSMELEC.2018.8481308&partnerID=40&md5=1e4c365b4f445f0646976df081a9d1f0https://oarep.usim.edu.my/handle/123456789/9386The need of a long battery life span is crucial in portable devices. Following that, this study is conducted to extensively monitor the current performance drawn from the Arduino Nano and ST Arm Core ST32L152RE used as the controller in a portable dialysis system, specifically at the Active and Low Power Mode. The results obtained showed that the ST Arm Core ST32L152RE managed to achieve 99.99% current saving as opposed to the Arduino which gave a rate of 99.74%, despite the fact that the former runs at twice the frequency of the latter. � 2018 IEEE.en-USArduino NanoCurrent ConsumptionsST Arm CoreElectronics engineeringElectronics industryArduinoCurrent consumptionCurrent performanceDialysis systemsLow power modesPerformance comparisonPortable deviceST Arm CoreDialysisPerformance comparison on current consumption between arduino nano and arm coretex M3 for portable dialysis systemArticle1481512018-August8481308