Azrul HafizAtiqah JamalNurazfalina AzuraRahimah SahudiMurshida Marizan No2024-05-292024-05-2920191309100X2-s2.0-85069444639 own quality of life is an important aspect in providing holistic and well-balance treatment to patient. Any dental treatment done should not be detrimental to patient's daily life and normal routine. Orthodontic therapy has been known to influence patient's mental and psychical health during treatment. This study explored the relationship between quality of life and fixed appliances (braces) by adopting a set of questionnaires. A total of 102 (83% females and 17% males) patients were randomly invited and consented to this study. They were asked to answer questions regarding diet changes, pain perception, physical changes and psychological effect. The results showed that 76.5% have difficulties in eating, 74.5% experience pain in the mouth, 45% could not pronounce words correctly and 41% complaint that their meal routine were interrupted. In conclusion, this study shows that fixed appliances (braces) have some detrimental effect to patient's quality of life and will influence their oral health impact profile. � 2019 Journal of International Dental and Medical Research.en-USFixed appliancesOral health impact profileQuality of lifeThe impact of fixed appliances (Braces) on quality of lifesArticle650654122