Muneer Ali Abdul RabAhmad Syukran bin BaharuddinBaidar Mohammed Mohammed HasanMesbahul Hoque2024-05-312024-05-312020-10-27e-ISSN: 2735 - 1742 Seminar on Syariah and Law (INSLA 2020) E-Proceedings “Hala Tuju Syariah Dan Undang - Undang Mendepani Pandemik Covid - 19” Organized by : Faculty of Syariah and Law, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia 27-28 October 2020Muslims are today faced (COVID-19) which has baffled the minds. In the absence of a vaccine, infection control measures remain the most effective prevention against the virus. This research examines the fiqh principles governing COVID-19 and their application in contemporary issues pertaining to salah and tahara. In achieving this objective, the research relies on inductive and analytical methodologies to collect the principles relating to COVID-19 and then analyze and apply them. The research finds thus: Among the fiqh principles governing COVID-19 as regards purity and prayers are: that difficulty brings about facilitation; harm should be removed; necessities make the forbidden lawful; the authority of the leader is subject to public interest. These principles were applied in the following: permissibility of dry ablution (tayammum) in the case of a person whose movement is restricted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic; permissibility of suspending congregational and Jum’at prayers in the mosques; permissibility of combining two prayers by COVID-19 patients and their attending doctors in the face of hardship; permissibility of skipping congregational and Friday prayers by COVID-19 patients and their doctors; covering the mouth and the nose during prayers; observing social distancing during congregational prayers; impossibility of washing the dead due to fear of infection and prayer on the body of the victims of the virus. One of the major principles of sharia policy in both public and private guardianship is that (the exercise of authority by the leader on the public is subject to maslaha (public interest). The application of this principle is clear in the suspension of congregational and juma’at, ‘Eid prayers and allowing only the call for prayer. It was also applied in imposing quarantine.otherFiqh Principles, COVID-19, Prayer, Purity, Lifting hardship, interest, necessityالقواعد الفقهيّة الحاكمة لوباء كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-19) في نوازل الطّهارة والصّلاةThe Fiqh Principles Governing (Covid-19): Emerging Issues In Prayers And PurityArticle9510931