Norhoneydayatie Abdul ManapNur Aina Abdulah2024-05-282024-05-2820232024-2-16Norhoneydayatie Abdul Manap and Nur Aina Abdulah (2023); ANALYSING THE ELEMENTS OF AN ISLAMIC NGOS CONSTITUTION IN MALAYSIA Int. J. of Adv. Res. 11 (Sep). 1337-1343] (ISSN 2320-5407)2320-540710.21474/IJAR01/17653 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Malaysia are social organizations that play a vital role in various social activities, either domestically or internationally. These organizations are registered under agencies entrusted to register organizations and are subject to the laws and legislation that govern them. Based on the diversity of registration agencies and the legal control over these organizations or NGOs, there are various types of constitutions presented by these organizations or NGOs. Hence, this study analysed the various types of constitutions drawn up by Islamic organizations or NGOs in Malaysia. This qualitative research used a case study design and data were collected from two sources, namely interviews and document analysis involving the organizations constitution. Findings indicated that the organization or NGOs constitution was based on a sample template provided by the registrar of societies. However, the template did not distinguish between an Islamic NGO and a non-Islamic NGO. The study also found six important elements that should be adopted by Islamic NGOs and utilise them as a guide in their daily operations.en-USElement, Non-Government Organization (NGO), Islamic NGO, Registrating a NGO, NGO‟s ConstitutionAnalysing The Elements Of An Islamic Ngo’s Constitution In MalaysiaArticle13371343119