Hamadallah Mohammad Salleh KenaliNoor Saazai Mat SaadHazlina AbdullahAshwaq Mohammad Salleh KenaliNik Mohd Rahimi Nik Yusoff2024-05-272024-05-27201914/2/20202151-477110.4236/ce.2019.105073https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=92749https://oarep.usim.edu.my/handle/123456789/4071Volume :10 No:5This study investigates the impact of using smartphones to develop Arabic speaking skills among Arabic non-native speakers through a language game. The experiment was conducted by introducing the independent variable (language game on smartphone) on the study sample of 15 University of Sydney students learning Arabic at the beginner level. The experiment was conducted throughout semester 2/2015. Students spent 24 hours of self-study using the language game via smartphones. They were subjected to a pre- and a post-oral test to measure the impact on the speaking skill development in four major aspects namely confidence level, pronunciation, grammar and understanding. The data were analysed quantitatively using T-test and findings showed significant statistical differences On the whole, this study shows that using language games on smartphones has a positive effect on the speaking skill development of the students.en-USLanguage Games, Autonomous, Second Language, Arabic Languge, Speaking SkillThe Effects Of Language Games On Smartphones In Developing Arabic Speaking Skills Among Non-native SpeakersArticle972979105