Mohamed Abdikani JamaAbdulmajid Obaid Hasan Saleh2024-05-302024-05-302020-11-18e-ISBN: 978-967-440-859-6 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS AND ACADEMICS IN SYARIAH AND LAW 2020 (3rd INPAC 2020) "Syariah and Law Approach in Solving Contemporary Issues" Organized by: Faculty of Syariah and Law Date: 18 November 2020Maqasid al-Sharia are the main goals that set Islamic law to achieve the goodness of all human being in this world and the hereafter. These goals include its basic principles of securing, promoting, preserving, and protecting human interests by bringing benefits and warding off harm in all areas of human life. These basic principles of the objectives of Islamic law have a major role in developing Islamic finance in order to meet the social and economic needs of the nation in line with these specific goals, and to what extent the objectives of Islamic law have contributed to the development of Islamic finance is what this paper seeks to explore, with a focus on the market of Ras Al Khaimah. Islamic Money (ICM).otherMaqasid al- Sharia, Islamic Finance, Islamic, Capital Market.مساهمة مقاصد الشريعة في تطوير التمويل الإسلامي : تقييم سوق رأس المال الإسلاميThe Contribution Of Maqasid Al-Sharia To The Development Of Islamic Finance: An Evaluation Of The Islamic Capital MarketArticle628648