Sempo M.W.Salam R.A.Mohd R.A.Zainudin W.N.R.A.B.Zainol Z.B.Zaki Z.B.M.Ibrahim M.A.B.Sayuti M.N.S.M.2024-05-292024-05-29201719366612;jsessionid=atehptnqnshgl.x-ic-live-01 Holy Quran being the most comprehensive book of reference has discussed on every minute details of human anatomy. One of them is human senses and can be categorized by external parts and internal parts. For example external parts such as ears are used to sense audio, eyes are used to sense visual, and nose is used to sense smell. While for internal parts, emotion is used to sense feelings such as happiness and sadness. Although all of the senses that comes from the external and internal parts are important in human�s well-being, the Holy Quran has placed different emphasizes on all of these senses. This is because some of the senses are quoted more often than others. Using data extraction technology, this study finds that ears and eyes are quoted most often although ears seem to be more superior. Therefore, it is the purpose of this paper to investigate the reason why ears are quoted more often than eyes in the Holy Quran. In addressing this question, this paper applies two methods. Firstly, all verses related to sound and sight senses are gathered. Then the superiority between them are measured based on the book of exegesis (tafsir) and scientific reports. 2017 American Scientific Publishers All rights reserved.en-USAudio senseExegesisQuranic philosophyScience reportsVisual senseThe quranic philosophy on superiority of audio sense against visual sense based on the book of exegesis and science reportsArticle47654768235