Mohamad Isa Abd JalilAhmad Aizuddin HamzahImran Mehboob ShaikhMd Hafizi AhsanJoehan Joehari William2024-05-292024-05-292023Abd Jalil, M. I., Hamzah, A. . A., William , J. . J., Shaikh, I. M. ., & Ahsan, M. H. (2023). Exploring Motivational Factors For Muslims’ Cash Waqf Participation: A Case Study From Selangor, Malaysia. The Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research, 20(2), 1-18. of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research (JMIFR) Volume 20 No.2 Page (1-18)The Muslim population in Malaysia has long followed the practise of paying monetary waqf to mosques. However, no prior research has revealed the characteristics that drive donors to provide cash waqf. As a result, the purpose of this research is to investigate the factors that motivate Muslims in Selangor to pay monetary waqf to mosques. This study is a deductive quantitative survey research in which the conceptual model was developed based on theory and empirical findings. To evaluate data for the research utilising structural equation modelling, 200 sample questionnaires were collected and analysed using AMOS, or Analysis of Moment Structure (SEM). This study discovered that the characteristics attitude, subjective norm, and religion greatly influence the intention of Muslims in Selangor, Malaysia to pay waqf cash to mosques as a result of data analysis. This study should have a theoretical impact by empirically contributing reference information to the body of knowledge in the field of waqf.en-USCash waqf, Mosque, motivation to contributeExploring Motivational Factors for Muslims' Cash Waqf Participation: A Case Analysis from Selangor,MalaysiaArticle118202