Mohamad Torik Langlang BuanaNuradli Ridzwan Shah Mohd DaliSofyan HalimAbu Hassan Makmun Abdul Qadir2024-05-312024-05-312021-09-09 9 September 2021 Platform: MSTeams, USIM Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.Pawnbroking is the solution to the need of fund in short-term credit financing of the micro customers with no riba. Pawnbroking in Indonesia started operation early since the Dutch era, and operation with syariah principles since 2003 by PT.Pegadaian (Persero). Pawnbroking in Malaysia had been existed since sultan Malaka era, continued operation with Islamic principles since the 90th, when three pioneers started the operation of pajak gadai Islam, they are Maidam, Yapeim and Bank Rakyat. The research is qualitative, by observing tertiary data on the internet sites of Islamic banking and Islamic finance institutions in Indonesia and Malaysia. The research finds that not all banks provide Islamic pawnbroking. The figures of business operation in present period indicate decreasing in the operations of Islamic pawnbroking in Islamic bank and non-bank, in both countries, Indonesia and Malaysia. Keywords: Indonesia, Malaysia, Islamic Pawnbroking, Rahn, GadaienIndonesia,Malaysia,Islamic Pawnbroking,Rahn,GadaiGadai Syariah Ar-Rahnu Contract At Pawnbroking Industry In Indonesia And MalaysiaArticle