Muzaffar Syah Bin MallowYeoh Siew Peng2024-05-282024-05-282019441052600-9463 :6 No: 1Volunteerism is very important part of life in any society. It would be very difficult for any society to operate without having anyone or group inside the society itself to exercise duty of volunteerism. Volunteerism normally been associated with the act of being sincere, compassionate, and kindness which a person has towards other people and towards the environment. Volunteerism allow people to be selfless and willing to puts the needs of others before one’s own. These kind of people who volunteer is normally someone who would not think twice about sharing what they have with other people who are in desperate need. Whenever there is tragedies which is beyond the help from the government or any existing institutions, volunteer people will come out and offering all the necessary assistance which they can offered. The spirit of volunteerism also arises when there is no actual tragedies like volunteering in order to assists the poor, the weak, and the needy which existed in the society. Most of the volunteer activities which been carried out are been done sincerely without having the hope to get something in return. Sadly, there are people or group of people who carry out the volunteer activities with the hope to get something in return. The mind set to get something in return for all the volunteerism activities which been carried out along with other arising issues can become major obstacle to have the act of voluntarism in its true sense. As such, it is the aim of the paper to analyse the philosophical idea over the concept of volunteerism itself, aims of volunteerism, types of volunteerism, the status of volunteerism at both international and national level, arising issues on volunteerism, as well as identifying steps to bring back the true spirit of volunteerism which been seen eroded in the modern society.en-USVolunteerism, compassionate, kindness,spirit, society.Is The Spirit Of Volunteerism Dead? An AnalysisArticle192961