Nur Arina Hazwani Samsun ZainiFauzun Abdullah AsuhaimiLiyana RamliKhairul Nabilah Zainul Ariffin2024-05-312024-05-312020-10-15eISBN : 9789674408367 rd INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON ISLAM AND SCIENCE 2020 (SAIS 2020) COVID-19: IMPLICATION, IMPACT AND SOLUTION Date: 15 October 2020 Organized by: Persatuan Kakitangan Akademik USIM (PKAUSIM) In Collaboration with: International Halal and Fatwa Centre (iFFAH) & Fakulti Syariah dan Undang-Undang (FSU)A person who experienced micro-sleep tends to have decreasing concentration in their driving and this is one of the reasons why the number of road accidents system was designed to detect the sypmtom of microsleep which is the drowsiness of the driver by putting emphasis on the driver’s eyes and mouth. The system utilized the machine learning algorithm, MATLAB simulator and a camera. The camera is pointed directly towards the driver’s face and when the camera captures features like drooping eyelids and yawning, an alarm will automatically set off to alert the driver and the condition of the driver.en-USDriver behaviour, Machine Learning, Drowsiness,Driver Behaviour Monitoring And Alert System By Using Machine LearningArticle13111323