iNor Razinah Mohd. ZainAznan Hasan2024-05-302024-05-302021-06MOHD. ZAIN, N. R., & Hasan, A. . (2021). AR-RAHNU: ISU DAN PENYELESAIAN SEMASA: AR-RAHNU: CURRENT ISSUES AND SOLUTIONS. Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law, 9(1), 47-60. : 2590-439610.33102/ Journal of Syariah and law | مجلة الشريعة والقانون بماليزيا | Vol. 9, No.1, pp. 47 - 60 | June 2021Ar-Rahnu is a concept of pawnbroking that based on the principles of Sharī‘ah. Contrary to conventional pawnbroking (PGK) practices, Ar-Rahnu emphasizes pawnbroking practices free of prohibited elements by Sharī‘ah, such as ribā and gharar. Based on the current situation in Malaysia, this study was written to address critical issues related to the practice of Ar-Rahnu, the provided solutions from the aspects of Fiqhī discussion, and the relevance of the existing legislation in Malaysia. This study was written in addition to the existing literature relating to Ar-Rahnu, which is still relatively scarce. Using qualitative, comparative analysis methods and observation from the practices in the industry, this research found that Ar-Rahnu can still be practiced in Malaysia even without specific laws. The method of harmonization between civil and Sharī‘ah laws is still needed to appreciate of Ar-Rahnu’s practices in order to ensure the effectiveness of this practice among the members of the society.otherAr-Rahnu, Sharī‘ah, Civil Law, MalaysiaAr-Rahnu Isu Dan Penyelesaian SemasaAr-Rahnu: Current Issues And SolutionsArticle476091