Zainal, KKZainalJali, MZMZJali2024-05-292024-05-292017WOS:000427146300049 vast amount of online documentation and the thriving of Internet especially mobile technology have caused a crucial demand to handle and organize unstructured data appropriately. An information retrieval or even knowledge discovery can be enhanced when a proper and structured data are available. This paper studies empirically the effect of pre-selected term weighting schemes, namely as Term Frequency (TF), Information Gain Ratio (IG Ratio) and Chi-Square (CHI2) in the assessment of a threat's impact loss. This feature selection method then further fed in conjunction with the Dendritic Cell Algorithm (DCA) as the classifier to measure the risk concentration of a spam message. The final outcome of this research is very much expected to be able in assisting people to make a decision once they knew the possible impact caused by a particular spam. The findings showed that TF is the best feature selection methods and well suited to be demonstrated together with the DCA, resulted with high accuracy risk classification rate.en-USterm weighting schemesfeature selection methodsdendritic cell algorithmspam severity assessmentspam risk concentrationThe Significant Effect of Feature Selection Methods in Spam Risk Assessment Using Dendritic Cell AlgorithmProceedings Paper