Dini Farhana BaharudinMohd Rosmizi Abd RahmanSiti Nubailah Mohd YusofNurhafizah Mohd SukorHaslee Sharil Lim Abdullah2024-05-292024-05-2920192232-0431http://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my/index.php/abqari/article/view/221https://oarep.usim.edu.my/handle/123456789/14207This special issue is a selection of seven articles that are research-based. The articles were extracted from the Master of Counseling (Substance Abuse), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia students' research reports. The students were assisted by their respective supervisors to produce the articles as a form of academic training to disseminate their research findings through journal publication.en-USDrug PreventionRehabilitation IssuesCounseling PsychologyGuest Editors: Counseling Psychology, Drug Prevention and Rehabilitation IssuesEditor Tamu: Psikologi Kaunseling, Isu Pencegahan dan Pemulihan DadahArticle15211