Nur Aina Binti AbdulahNur Al-Farhain Kamaruzaman2024-05-292024-05-2920222023-2-3Abdulah, N. A., & Kamaruzaman, N. A.-F. (2022). Kekeliruan Antara Jenayah Zina Dan Rogol Statutori Di Malaysia: Keperluan Kepada Penjelasan: The Confusion between Crimes of Zina and Statutory Rape in Malaysia: The Needs for Clarification. Journal of Fatwa Management and Research, 27(4), 152-161. 27 NO. 4 (2022): SEPTEMBER ISSUE Page (152-161)Zina is a serious crime in Islam, as is rape. Both are illegal intercourse outside of marriage, but are distinguished by the manner in which it is done. The problem is the confusion that occurs due to the statutory rape law in Malaysia which defines rape as intercourse by a man with a woman under 16 years of age, whether with her consent or not. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the issues that involve the confusion between the crime of adultery and the statutory rape law in Malaysia. Qualitative research methodology was used with a content analysis design. The results of the study found that there are three things that are confusing; which is the element of voluntariness, the age of the woman and the punishment imposed.othercriminal,rape, statutory rape, zinaKekeliruan Antara Jenayah Zina Dan Rogol Statutori Di Malaysia: Keperluan Kepada PenjelasanThe Confusion between Crimes of Zina and Statutory Rape in Malaysia: The Needs for ClarificationArticle152161274