Alrosan, AyatAyatAlrosanAlomoush, WaleedWaleedAlomoushNorwawi, NoritaNoritaNorwawiAlswaitti, MohammedMohammedAlswaittiMakhadmeh, Sharif NaserSharif NaserMakhadmeh2024-05-292024-05-292020Cite this article Alrosan, A., Alomoush, W., Norwawi, N. et al. An improved artificial bee colony algorithm based on mean best-guided approach for continuous optimization problems and real brain MRI images segmentation. Neural Comput & Applic 33, 1671–1697 (2021). artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm is a relatively new algorithm inspired by nature and has been shown to be efficient in contrast to other optimization algorithms. Nonetheless, ABC has some similar drawbacks to the optimization algorithms in terms of the unbalanced search behavior. The original ABC algorithm shows strong exploration capability with ineffective exploitation due to the unbalanced search model. In this paper, a new ABC algorithm called MeanABC is introduced to achieve the search behavior balance via a modified search equation based on the information of the mean of the previous best solutions. To evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm, experiments were divided into two parts: First, the proposed algorithm was tested on a comprehensive set of 14 benchmark functions. The results show that the proposed MeanABC enhances the performance of the original ABC in terms of faster global convergence speed, solution quality, and better robustness when compared to other ABC variants. Secondly, the proposed algorithm was applied as a hybrid with the FCM algorithm as a segmentation technique to a set of 20 volumes of real brain MRI images with 20 images for each volume. All of these images have several characteristics, levels of difficulty, and cover different domains. The obtained results are promising, especially when the performance of the proposed algorithm was compared to other state-of-the-art segmentation techniques.en-USOptimization algorithmsArtificial bee colonyContinuous optimization problemsSearch behaviorMRI imagesAn improved artificial bee colony algorithm based on mean best-guided approach for continuous optimization problems and real brain MRI images segmentationArticle