Omar, NANAOmarNazri, MAMANazriMohd-Ramly, SSMohd-RamlyZainol, ZZZainol2024-05-292024-05-292018Nor Asiah Omar, Muhamad Azrin Nazri, Suhaily Mohd-Ramly & Zuraidah Zainol (2018) Does Psychological Contract Violation Moderate the Impact of Severity and Recovery Satisfaction on Boycott? An Analysis of Halal Violation, Journal of Food Products Marketing, 24:3, 311-327, DOI: 10.1080/10454446.2017.12665601540-41021045-4446 violation is a critical issue in the Islamic market, but little is known on its impact on the Muslim consumer. Thus, this study investigates the effect of psychological contract violation (PCV), recovery satisfaction, and severity of halal violation on product boycott. The moderating role of PCV in the relationship between recovery satisfaction and seriousness of a violation on the product boycott is also examined. Data collected from a sample of 360 customers were analyzed using PLS-SEM. The results show that recovery satisfaction, severity, and PCV significantly influence product boycott and PCV significantly moderates the relationship between recovery satisfaction and product boycott. This study provides new insights into the relationships among recovery satisfaction, the severity of the halal violation, psychological contract violation, and product boycott and helps the managers to design recovery action toward halal violation.en-USBoycottHalalpsychological contract violationrecovery satisfactionDoes Psychological Contract Violation Moderate the Impact of Severity and Recovery Satisfaction on Boycott? An Analysis of Halal ViolationArticle311327243