Yahya M.A.Amin K.K.M.Al-Qodah Z.Ngah C.W.Z.C.W.2024-05-282024-05-282016970707710.14233/ajchem.2016.196872-s2.0-84959017792https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84959017792&doi=10.14233%2fajchem.2016.19687&partnerID=40&md5=148035e95ef353d4925998c45bf361dehttps://oarep.usim.edu.my/handle/123456789/8601Sample preparation using microwave assisted digestion has been a well-known procedure worldwide. Nowadays, experimental designs have been used to facilitate this process. This study uses factorial design approach to study the concentration of copper in shrimp paste sample. The aim of the study was to optimize the digestion procedures for digesting the shrimp paste samples. Flame atomic absorption spectrometry was used to study the copper concentration. DOE software-Design Expert�7.0 was used to interpret all the data obtained. The combination of 4 mL HNO3, 2 mL of H2O2, 0.1 g of sample weight, 1400 W of power and duration of 5 min were found to be optimum in digesting shrimp paste sample for copper analysis.en-USAtomic absorption spectrometryCopperFactorial designMicrowave assisted digestionOptimizationShrimp pasteOptimization of digestion method for determination of copper in shrimp paste sample using flame atomic absorption spectrometryAsian J. Chem.Asian J. Chem.Article11641168285AJCHE