Helvinder Kaur Balbir SinghHarjinder Kaur Balbir SinghYusnita IbrahimMohdAmirulRafiq Abu RahimSitiNorazlina JuhariKM NoorNurulNadirah Abu HasanIzwan Harith Md Ithnan2024-05-282024-05-2820222022-5-252717-7564395-35https://journalppw.com/index.php/jpsp/article/view/3379https://oarep.usim.edu.my/handle/123456789/6813Journal of Positive School Psychology 2022,Vol.6,No.4, 1810-1816To better understand how computer science teachers think about equity, the authors conducted a qualitative study in which they surveyed participants about their views on the topic. Using a paradigm stressing educator belief systems in perpetuating inequities in computer science education and the significance of equity-focused professional development for teachers, we investigated how computer science teachers understand the topic of equity in the classroom. There are many various ways teachers think about equity and how to establish inclusive classrooms that represent students' identities and voices, according to the results of a poll of participants in a professional development program for computer science teachers.enExpanding Participation In Computer Science Education: A Study Of Teachers' Perspectives On EquityArticle1810181664