Ghafar, Norfarhana AhmadNorfarhana AhmadGhafarAhmad, HishomudinHishomudinAhmadHajib, Zainal AbidinZainal AbidinHajibGhazali, Norzulaili MohdNorzulaili MohdGhazaliMohd, Robiatul AdawiyahRobiatul AdawiyahMohd2024-05-282024-05-2820171936661210.1166/asl.2017.89402-s2.0-85023746624 is one of semantic parts that determine the opposite meaning of words. Meaning is an important element in communication as it will be the bridge between the speaker and listener; hence the accurate meaning of a word is vital to avoid miscommunication. This study will discuss about meaning ofbasar and its antonyms; amiya and kamaha in Arabic. Qualitative approach will be used in this study and it focus on analyzing Lisan Al-Arab Dictionary written by Ibn Manzur which consider as secondary text. This version is the fourth edition and published by Dar Sader. The researcher will compare the meaning of the word basar and its antonyms. The findings show that the antonyms of basar which are amiya and kamaha have their own meaning despite being grouping under the same category. Researcher has categorized the meanings that have been derived from Lisan Al-Arab based on the themes, namely explicit meaning and implicit meaning. Based on the results we can say that explicit meaning for kamaha is rather details than amiya, whilst the contrast for the implicit meaning. Explicit meanings for both of the words refer to a person without sight and the implicit meaning refer to a person who became oblivious with slight differences between both. We can conclude there are similarities and differences between the antonyms of basar, amiya and kamaha. � 2017 American Scientific Publishers All rights reserved.en-USAntonymsBasarLinguisticsRelationship Between WordSemantic Field TheoryAntonyms of basar in Lisan al-Arab by Ibn ManzurArticle48844887235