Musa S.B.Norwawi N.M.Selamat M.H.Sharif K.Y.2024-05-282024-05-282011978161000000010.1109/ISCI.2011.59589972-s2.0-80052108703 in e-commerce is becoming an important issue to deal with as several cases of attacks to users' data are increasing exponentially. Therefore, there is absolute need for proper checks and balances to mitigate the lapses using the appropriate development framework. This paper provides as a candidate, Improve Extreme Programming Methodology by tightening security controls across the development stages without necessarily extending the process. � 2011 IEEE.en-USDevelopment FrameworkE-commerce SecurityExtreme ProgrammingSecurityWeb engineeringDevelopment FrameworkE-commerce SecurityEXtreme ProgrammingSecurityWeb engineeringElectronic commerceInformation scienceUser interfacesComputer programmingImproved extreme programming methodology with inbuilt securityConference Paper6746795958997