Nur Affina Yanti Binti JamalludinRos Aiza Mohd MokhtarMashitah Sulaiman2024-05-302024-05-302023Jamalludin, N. A. Y., Mohd Mokhtar, R. A., & Sulaiman, M. (2023). Religious Fallacies Caused by Misunderstanding of Islamic Teaching in Relation to Out of Wedlock Pregnancy Resolution: Kekeliruan Agama Disebabkan Salah Faham terhadap Ajaran Islam berkaitan Resolusi Kehamilan Luar Nikah. Sains Insani, 8(1), 150-159. Retrieved from 8 NO. 1 Page (150-159)Countless abortions, coerced adoptions, and new-born abandonment due to their illegitimate status are still happening in this country albeit the majority of Malaysian population is Muslim. With limited time and source of information, out of wedlock pregnancy resolutions are often made in haste and not necessarily weighed thoughtfully. In the attempt to curb this phenomenon, the reasonable preventive measure is religious teachings. However, instead of following the prescribed as mentioned in Quran and Sunnah, many base their strategies on common logic and cultural beliefs, which after so long, became the credence they hold on to. Islamic teachings are confused with culture, resulting skepticism and erroneous conclusions. Using library research methodology, this paper explores religious fallacies related to illegitimate children’s phenomena that impacted pregnancy resolution among Malay Muslim women in Malaysia. The research concludes these religious fallacies stemmed from systemic bias towards unmarried pregnancy women and their children, contrary to the actual Islam teaching that embraces repentance and holds no one accountable of their past as long as they are truly remorseful. It is evident these misconceptions play a significant role in the process of finding the best pregnancy resolution, resulting in abandonment and death. Therefore, religious fallacies should be rectified so pregnancy resolutions could be made with rumination, and simultaneously save both mother and children.en-USStigma, Out of Wedlock Children, Out of Wedlock Pregnancy ResolutionReligious Fallacies Caused by Misunderstanding of Islamic Teaching in Relation to Out of Wedlock Pregnancy ResolutionKekeliruan Agama Disebabkan Salah Faham terhadap Ajaran Islam berkaitan Resolusi Kehamilan Luar NikahArticle15015981