Nurul Asiah Fasehah MuhamadNurul HidayatulkolbNoornajihan JaafarNorzulaili Mohd GhazaliNoor Azma Mohamad KhassimZulhilmi Mohamed NorHishomudin Ahmad2024-05-282024-05-282017Tinta Artikulasi Membina Ummah 3(1), 2017 90-99, e-ISSN: 2289-960X2289-960X is a bridge in a relationship (Aisha & Irkhaniza, 2015). A good communication is highly needed in order to ensure that a message can be conveyed with clarity. In the education context, a good communication between a teacher and students will generally influence students’ understanding. Effective communication by teachers will result in students becoming more focused and more interested in what they are going to learn (Nurul Asiah Fasehah, 2015; Nik Rusila Nik Yaacob, 2007; Zalmiza Zakariya, 2004). In the realm of the educational context which involves many female students, the pattern of communication used by a teacher should take this factor into account (Nurhanani Husin 2015). Therefore, the purpose of the current study was to identify the communication approach that is suitable to female students especially in the context of explaining and clarifying by analysing the communication approach of Rasulullah SAW. with his companions as narrated in Hadiths in Sahih Bukhari. This study employed the qualitative approach using content analysis design. Nine hadiths that contain Rasulullah’s SAW. communication with 5 of his kibar companions were contextually analysed in order to extract the themes of communication of Rasulullah SAW. with his companions that are relevant to the current educational context. Several communication approaches that are used in explaining and clarifying had been identified such as direct explanation, providing an analogy in question form, telling in a story form, bringing the audience’s context closer to the story, conveying the intention, detailed explanation, step by step and in stages. This study has implications on classroom instruction particularly Muslim teachers in facing the higher number of female students in today’s classrooms composition using Rasulullah’s SAW. communication with his companions during his time. The use of such approach is suitable considering Rasulullah SAW. as an exemplary figure of all times. Keywords: Islamic education, Rasulullah SAW communication approach, communication with female students in teachingenIslamic education,Rasulullah SAW communication approach,communication with female students in teachingCommunication Via Explanation Approach For Female Students: A Study On Rasulullah's saw Practices With Special Reference To The Selected Hadiths In Sahih Al-bukhariArticle828931