Mohd Fauzi Mohd AminAbdulloh SalaehAmran bin Abdul HalimAhmad Sanusi Azmi2024-05-282024-05-2820172462-17141983-4 of Global Business and Social Entrepreneurship (GBSE) Vol. 1: no.1 (2017) page 110–121| | eISSN 24621714Sacred hadiths are pledged to the al-Quds which is synonyms to the word of purity al-Tuhru and al-Nazahah thus attributed to the Zat (substance) of Allah. It is named also as Hadith alIllahi (إلهي حديث (because it referred straight to Allah s.w.t or Hadith al-Rabbani (الربني حديث ( because it mention to Rabb (Allah). Sacred hadith is a term used which signifies that the meaning of the hadith is from Allah s.w.t and the words are related from the Messenger of Allah for an example there is matn (text of hadith) mentioned: Qala Allah (Allah said), Yaqulullah (Allah is saying) or Inna Ruhul Qudsi Nafasa fi Rue’I (Indeed, the angel has cast an inspiration to my heart). This is commanded through his dream or inspiration then he delivers the messages through his own words. But, the amount of these Hadiths Qudsi is less than other hadiths. Thus, the scholars of hadith are putting an effort to gather all these hadiths in specific books. Ibnu Tamiyyah collected these hadiths in his book entitled “al-Kalimu Thayyib”. Other than that, Dr Ahmad al-Sharbashy in his book entitled “Adabul Al-Ahadith Al-Qudsiah” also collected these sacred hadiths. Hadiths Qudsi are categorized into Shahih, Hasan, Dhoef, Maudu’. There is differentiation between Hadith Qudsi and Hadith Nabawi in order of Isnad (Narration of Hadith). It is refers to Rasulullah SAW as narrators )مخبر ,)and the meaning belong to Allah SWT meanwhile the word and meaning from hadiths Nabawi is belong to Rasulullah SAW himself. Also than that, there is comparison between hadith Qudsi and Quran which the words and the meanings of the Quran are from Allah s.w.t whereas Hadith Qudsi does not necessarily contain the exact words of Allah s.w.t. The Quran is a miracle and it challenges us to bring a single verse similar to the verses of the Quran. The Hadith Qudsi does not have such a level of miraculous. Keywords: Qudsi, Isnad, NabawienQudsi,Isnad,NabawiKonsep Dan Kedudukan Hadis Qudsi Menurut Ulamak HadisA Study Of Concept And Ranking Of Hadith Qudsi (Sacred) According Scholars In HadithArticle11012111